Friday, September 23, 2011

Real Men Can Cook

So I get an email a few weeks ago asking if we would be willing to donate 50-100 bites of food for the Real Men Can Cook fund raiser for the Ogden YCC held at the Marriott. They only ask for you to do lunch or dinner. Of course we did both and a special thanks to my wife for helping roll the 300+ moink balls.     The event is VERY well run, and after 20 years you would expect that.   

Okay on to the Moink Balls. Here is the easy back yard version.  Start with a frozen meatball (of left overs from last night).  Cut one strip of bacon in half.  Wrap that around the meatball and stick with a toothpick.  Next your gona want to cook the bacon.  I suggest at least a grill but for those that cant have one the oven will do. Cook bacon until crisp. In a soup pot, ya know the one you almost never use cause it small, place about 1 cup of peach jelly and 1/2 a cup of pepper jelly( you can find it in the jelly section on the top self a lot of times).  Stir that until it mixes well and gets good and runny. This little mixture will cover about 12-18 Moink balls easy. Thats about it. Kinda easy, just toss and serve.