Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pallets and such

  From time to time I look out at the dinning area and think, what can I do to make it better. Sometimes its paint or some thing on the wall.  This time I decided that its the tables that are bothering me. Sure lifetime make a wonderful product ,but are they right for my little corner of the world? I finally decided that they will look far better outside after things get warm. So, I had better start thinking of a way to get some new tables! Of course we looked online and the table tops for dining tables would cost over $250 each! That just wont do at all.

   Then comes Nikki showing me all this stuff on Pinterest. It's like catnip for facebook posters. Just a picture with a caption and links. All these people where building things out of old (and some new) pallets. All of the sudden - I'm on Pinterest...but I digress...

There is a publishing company next door that gets a lot of shipments on pallets, but doesn't ship much out on them. So, they pile up.  Of course I asked first if we could get one or two, or even the odd size ones that most people never reuse. The answer: Sure, take them ALL.  

Thus begins the sauce table. I had two that looked like this and took them apart.

 Took a while and a lot of clamps, but I finally got a good base on it, and a square top.

 This is what came out in the end. This one has lots of coats of Polyurethane, and got left rather rough. A LOT of sanding will have to take place on the next one.  Be sure you have lots of good open space and/or work outside. If I had had a sander the job would have gone easier. (Little did I know, Nikki was planning my weekend with wood floors and the installing thereof, and had the tool list in mind - including said sander.) All said and don - it looks pretty good, and rustic, yes?

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